MarketingFile drive success for Citroën

Citroën is a major French automobile manufacturer, founded in 1919, and has been part of the PSA Peugeot Citroën group since 1976. They have produced over 300 models of car and sold nearly 63,000 vehicles in 2016.
As an organisation, Citroën run campaigns at a national level with additional marketing being done by their dealers at a local level. This was leading to situations where their advertising was very different at national and dealer level and they wanted a way to bring consistency to their message to prospective customers at all levels.

How We Helped
We proposed our managed campaign programme, sending a series of ongoing direct mail and email campaigns to deliver a consistent message to qualified prospects. This allows their dealers to benefit from a customised central marketing message, while at the same time removing the hassle from, and providing cost savings on, managing the campaigns themselves.
For each of the dealers who signed up to the programme we created their own pool of eligible prospects. Using our knowledge of the sector, we selected the people located within each dealer’s post code territory who would be most likely to be in the preliminary stages of the buying cycle.
Each month, Citroën’s main campaign focused on a different car, so we would only contact the appropriate sub-section of people for each dealer. These selections would be made on different socio-economic factors that matched the target market for the individual vehicles.

The campaigns started for approximately 1/3 of dealers in August 2014.
By the end of Q1 2017 we had delivered just over 1.75 million communications to approximately 871,000 individual prospective customers.
Citroën’s own match back has stated that during that period 11,683 cars had been sold to people receiving communications we delivered – 1 for every 75 people we targeted.
The halo effect of the campaigns has seen at least one sale in over 150 dealerships.
We are extremely pleased how Touchpoint has opened up new channels of communication with both customers and prospects. Allowing us to send multi-channel campaigns has improved our capabilities to send targeted and personalised postal, email and SMS campaigns achieving excellent results across multiple campaigns.
Barry Robson, Sales Manager, Citroën